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     Multi-sport Summer Camp, Potomac, Bethesda    

Flag Football Hockey Baseball Soccer Basketball PE Games Playground Kickball BINGO

It's time to register for another WONDERFUL Summer.
SUMMER 2024 is on its way!
Camp KIDBALL registration is open!
Spots are filling fast!

Who? Boys and Girls ages 4-rising 8th Grade
What? Coed, Multi-sport Day Camp (Baseball, Basketball, LAX, Street Hockey, Kickball, Dodgeball, Indoor Hockey, Playground Free-play, Soccer, Bingo, Coaches' Challenge, Putt-putt golf,  Corn-hole, Bocci, Pickleball and so much more...)
When? Five, One-week Sessions beginning June 24th, July 8th, 15th, and 22th, 29th
Where? Seven Locks Elementary School,  at the Corner of Bradley Blvd and Seven Locks Road, Bethesda
Why? KIDBALL is a small, child-centered camp that provides old-fashioned backyard fun for your child.  We have 26+ years of summer camp experience and over 66 years of combined teaching and coaching experience among our admin and coaches.  Campers follow a schedule that is flexible from inside to outdoor activities.  We break into skills and age appropriate levels for focused sports and then come together as a camp for whole group activities and camp building games.
How much? $330 Full Day      $280 Half Day
Hours ~ 9:00 - 3:00 full day (Drop off begins at 8:30am with pick-up no later than 3:20)
               9:00 - 1:00 half day (Drop off begins at 8:30 with pick-up promptly at 1:00)

Additional Notables:
Discounts ~ Early Bird discount runs through January ($30 full day and $20 half day)  Sibling and Multi-week discounts ($25 per camper)
Friends ~ We love it when friends come together!  Friend and/or group requests are welcome...just let us know!
Ratios ~ Our groups are just the right size for personal attention and teamwork.  The lower age groups are 2:6 with a head coach and a personal counselor that stays with the campers at all times.  Mid to upper age groups (Grades 4-8) are 1:6-8 or 1:8-10 based on the sport.  In addition, at all times one head coach and one admin are overseeing all groups and free to assist when and where needed.
Weather and other Emergencies ~ For inclement weather KIDBALL activities will continue inside the school facility.  Should non-KIDBALL community related emergencies arise, KIDBALL will follow Code Blue and/or Code Red policies as followed by MCPS.  
Summer HEAT ~ While we do love to get the campers outside as much as possible, when the "dog-days of summer" come around, we adjust by spending more time inside with shorter outside activities.  Campers have access to water at all times.  On excessive heat days, water breaks are required.
What to bring ~ Lunch in an insulated bag with an ice pack, sun hat or baseball cap, book (For DEAR Time - drop everything and read), any personal sports equipment camper desires, yet NOT required (ex:  baseball glove, helmet, hockey stick, LAX stick...)
Peanut/Food Allergies ~ There are required state Medication Administration Authorization Form - MDH-4758-A that must be completed for campers with EpiPens.  EpiPens are stored  in a clear plastic bag along with a head shot photo of your child. This bag is to be presented to KIDBALL Admin at check-in of campers first day.  Campers with allergies  wear a red bracelet around his/her wrist with allergens identified. All EpiPens and any additional medication stay on location throughout the week.  
Our Nut-Free & Allergen Alert Policy ~ During lunch, to prevent contact with any food allergens, we have a designated nut-free area as well as for other food allergies. If your camper has a life-threatening food allergy, he/she is automatically flagged to eat meals in our nut-free area during lunch. Our coaches do not leave camp for lunch.  Every table of campers has one coach sitting with them throughout lunch.  At least one or more KIDBALL coach(es) is seated at the nut-free area for the duration of the lunch period. To ensure that our campers with allergies at our Nut-Free & Allergen Alert area have a safe lunch experience at camp, we ask that absolutely no peanuts or tree nuts are permitted while in the nut-free area regardless of your child’s particular allergy. At the end of each eating period, we require all campers to wash their hands with soap to ensure they are thoroughly clean prior to their next activity.
Asthma ~ Campers with asthma, please complete the state form for Medication Administration Authorization Form - MDH-4758 - Asthma Action should it be necessary.

COVIDKIDBALL is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of all of our families.   We are following the CDC, Federal, State, and Local guidelines and protocols.





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